Words from our Principal

Mac Master School is an undertaking to provide modern and well-balanced system of education under the direct guidance and supervision of qualified and experience educators. Our vision and mission are to provide a full scholastic experience via:

  • Compulsory attainment of adequate command over spoken English for each student.
  • Modern and easy method of teaching to maximize retainment by students.
  • An inviting and engaging environment.
  • Extra-Curricular Programs like Debates, Educational excursions and Academic discussions.

It is a recognized fact that school enables students to acquire both knowledge and the essential spiritual wisdom needed to apply that knowledge for attaining fulfillment. Mac Master School believes that school as a seat of learning should also look after the moral and spiritual development of a learner. The students of Mac Master School are taught and trained in a manner so that they can be respectable citizens of the country to face the challenges and adventures of adulthood.

Laila Arjuman Banu
Ex-Lecturer (Chemistry)
12 years at Dhaka Residential Model College